Wallpaper Services

What to do With Outdated Wallpaper in Your New Home in Oklahoma

You have a beautiful vision in mind for your home, but bringing that vision to life can be a stressful, arduous experience. Across the walls of many homes in Edmond OK, wallpaper adds color, texture and even prints or patterns to a space. While wallpaper undoubtedly beautified the walls of your home at one point, it may no longer be a welcome part of your home décor. Whether you want to change the color of your walls or complete a much more in-depth remodeling project, your home’s wallpaper can present a major challenge to you. What can you do with your wallpaper to achieve the end result that you have in mind? There are a few strategies that you could execute easily with the help of the right painting contractor.

Wallpaper Removal

Perhaps the most obvious solution available is to remove the wallpaper. However, this is easier said than done. Wallpaper generally does not easily peel away in a long, clean sheet. Instead, it may rip into tiny pieces and leave some remnants behind. This is because the paper is stuck to the wall with a strong adhesive. To remove it, you would need to use a scraper, a strong adhesive remover and plenty of elbow grease. At the same time, you must be careful so that you do not damage the drywall underneath the paper. After the paper has been removed, the wall will need to be textured before it can be primed and painted. Because of how labor-intensive this type of project can be, hiring inside house painters to do the work is a smart idea. In fact, interior painters can help you to save time, prevent unnecessary damage and deliver the end result that you want to see.


While removing the wallpaper is one option, another idea is to simply paint over it. Before you paint the wallpaper, however, you must ensure that the surface is properly textured and in good condition. Painting directly over wallpaper will inevitably reveal nicks, gaps between the paper and various other types of blemishes. If the wallpaper is not perfectly intact, it may be better to remove it. Otherwise, you should take steps to prepare the wall. This may include adding texture and primer. If the wallpaper has a textured surface, applying texture may be essential. Otherwise, you may be able to simply apply several coats of paint evenly to get the look you want.


Another alternative is to cover the wallpaper with a firm material, such as beadboard or paneling. In many homes, beadboard is a beautiful decorative addition to a space, but it often only covers the lower portion of the wall. Paneling, however, may be a floor-to-ceiling solution. Depending on the type of paneling or beadboard used, you may be able to paint the material directly. However, several coats of paint may be required. Remember that the upper portion of a wall with decorative beadboard will still need to be prepared through wallpaper removal, texturing or other methods.


If you love the look of wallpaper in general, you could consider wallpapering over the old material. Any time wallpaper is installed, the underlying surface must be prepared. This ensures that the wallpaper sits flush on the wall and that the glue can adhere properly. With this in mind, you may need to glue down any loose corners that are flipping up and deal with other types of blemishes. Because it can be a chore to remove stacks of wallpaper down the road, you may still want to remove the old material before you install your new wallpaper.

The Need for Professional Assistance

You can see that there is not a quick and easy way to deal with wallpaper. Regardless of the look that you want to achieve, several steps may need to be taken to prepare the wall before your new paint or wallpaper can be added to the décor. Hiring a painting contractor with extensive experience working with wallpaper may be essential. After all, interior house painters can help you to save time, and their expertise may be essential to ensure that you enjoy the beautiful outcome that you have in mind.

Request an Interior Painting Estimate Today

Kaleidoscope Paint proudly serves the Edmond OK area by providing start-to-finish painting services. Regardless of whether you plan to paint over wallpaper, remove the wallpaper or take a different approach, we are the inside house painters that you can count on to do great work. To request an estimate for your upcoming interior painting project, contact Kaleidoscope Paint today.