Accent Wall Painting

Accent Walls Can Enhance Your Room in Edmond

Professional interior painters can really upgrade a room inside your house. Indeed, a new color can cast an interior space and all of its furnishings in a new light.

Thus, a room that you’ve spent many hours in will seem fresh and exciting again, just as it was on the day you moved in. If you want, your residential painting contractor can incorporate the latest decorating trends as well.

You don’t have to paint a whole room to get a dramatic effect. Instead, you can just use paint to turn one wall into an accent wall. An accent wall is different in material, color, texture, or pattern from the other walls in the same room. It can add variety and texture to a space that might seem uniform and static.

In addition, an accent wall can draw attention to a particular object. If there’s a photo you want your visitors to notice, for example, you could hang it in the middle of your accent wall.

If you’re interested in adding accent walls to your home in Edmond OK, the outstanding interior painters at Kaleidoscope Paint are ready to assist.

Choosing an Accent Wall

How many rooms in your home should have an accent wall? You might want to experiment with one room to see how you like the results. Then you can move on to other rooms if you want.

Imagine that you decide to give your bedroom an accent wall first. How do you select the wall to turn into the accent wall?

Well, let’s say this room has four walls: one with a door, one with a window, and two with no doors or windows. Your accent wall should be one of the latter two.

To choose between those two walls, consider which one you tend to look at as soon as you enter the room. That wall should be the accent wall. If you’re not sure, keep in mind that an accent wall works best if it’s not bare yet not covered with furniture or decorations.

For instance, a wall with a painting on it or a bookcase in front of it — but no other clutter — could make a great accent wall.

Also, if sunlight shines on a certain wall more often than the others, it could be the ideal accent wall. That’s because the sunshine will give that wall extra prominence and make its decorative elements stand out even more.

Of course, if sunlight is minimal in this room, you could always position a lamp, a sconce, or another electric light so that it makes this wall glow.

Time to Paint

OK, you’ve selected your accent wall. Congratulations! Now it’s time to think about the next crucial question: What color do you want that wall to be?

Obviously, you want a hue that appeals to your taste and suits the room’s overall color scheme. That is, the accent wall should complement the curtains, furniture, carpet, and other elements.

In short, your accent wall’s color should provide a pleasing contrast to the other walls, but it shouldn’t clash with anything.

Moreover, different accent wall colors can have different effects. Here are a few examples:

— A cooler color like a blue or a green can make a room seem longer or wider than it really is.

— A warmer, brighter color such as red or yellow can add personality and vibrancy.

— A black accent wall may lend depth and sophistication.

The most common approach is to make the accent wall the darkest wall in the room. That approach often yields a style that’s elegant and timeless.

A Kaleidoscope of Options

In the end, creating an accent wall is an affordable way to update the look of a whole room. For sure, it’s easier and cheaper than repainting, remodeling, or redecorating a room in its entirety. Yet, if it’s done right, the effect of a new accent wall is transformative.

With that in mind, planning your accent wall can be fun, and it’s an opportunity to be a little bold as well.

Finally, you’re not alone as you pursue your accent wall dreams. Maybe you live near Oklahoma City, and you’re wondering: “Where can I find excellent painters near me?” If so, know that the experts at Kaleidoscope Paint can aid you with any and all aspects of this project.

To be more specific, they can help you select your accent wall or walls, pick a color that fits the look you’re after, and do all of the painting quickly and efficiently.

All through this process, the customer service will be first-rate: friendly, respectful, and attentive to even the smallest details. Above all, the results will be stunning to behold. For more information, please email us or give us a call at your earliest convenience. An exciting new accent wall awaits!

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