Commercial storefront painters

Painting Around Oklahoma’s Customers During the Holidays: How to Not Deter Shoppers

In preparation for the upcoming holiday season, businesses must find ways to make their stores and buildings attractive to their customers. Edmond OK is a highly rated residence due to abundant natural parks and good schools; this consequently attracts professionals and businesspeople with a healthy purchasing power.

Painting the walls, interiors, and other exterior surfaces can make your premises more attractive and inviting to customers during the festive season. However, the biggest hurdle to achieving this business advantage is the disruption associated with the painting process. Therefore, it would be best if you made preliminary plans by working with reputable commercial interior painters to have minimal disruptions to shoppers.

Below are some of the suggestions you can utilize not to deter shoppers during the process.

Notify Customers in Advance

The process of painting requires setting up tools, moving shelves, obstruction, and the accompanying smell can irritate customers. Therefore, it’s wise to notify customers in advance to adjust either by making prior shopping or shop when there is the least distraction.

The notifications can take the following forms:

• Social Media Notices: If you have an active social media page, utilize it to inform shoppers on the planned paint job. You can additionally run a poll on the favorite color to be applied; this can act as both notice and appreciation of the work to be carried out.

It’s advisable to give considerable notice depending on how complicated the job is. Professional commercial painters can help you plan, with clear timelines or schedules.

• Print Notices: Print out notices to advise them on an upcoming paint job. This should be done in the week preceding the exercise. The notice can include alternative shopping models like online, home or office delivery, and suitable hours to visit the store.

Schedule Painting During Convenient Hours

As a business owner, you may opt to close the business temporarily as you conduct the paint job. The process may be smooth, but you will surely lose business and customers. Its, therefore, recommended finding a workable solution during working hours to keep business operations.

A good example is painting during off-peak hours, for instance, in the morning, depending on the business type. You can agree with your contractor to start an hour or two earlier. The strategy gives ample room to cover a large area when the traffic is low.

Alternatively, look for a commercial painter like Kaleidoscope Paint, who is willing to work on the weekends when you are closed. The process may be tiresome and expensive; however, it will result in a better transition.

Ensure There is Maximum Safety for Clients

The safety of customers in your business is both a legal obligation and a customer care feature. Any negative experience due to wet paint, un-attended tools, or a slippery floor directly impacts how your business is perceived. The safety of your customers must therefore form a prime consideration in your plans.

Use these suggestions to improve safety during a paint job:

• Steward: Depending on the size of the building and the customers’ traffic, signage alone may not be sufficient to guarantee safety. Therefore, you may need to employ a steward, albeit temporarily, to guide customers along with areas with paint or other blind spots.

• Signage: Erect sizeable signage at the entrance of the building to warn customers of any risk. Effective signage should consist of symbols, text, and good color contrast to communicate effectively.

• Tools: Painting involves tools like a ladder, cranes, paint brushes, rollers, and other items that can injure customers or create a mess. It’s essential to ensure the working space is tidy and ensure no such tools are in the customers’ path as a precaution.

A mobile trolley can be useful in storing and moving the items during the operation.

• Quality Contractor: The safety of your paint job also relies partly on the contractor or commercial painter you employ. One factor that makes commercial painters be top quality is doing a clean job without endangering others. Therefore, you should evaluate the contractors’ safety measures, policies, and past work to get a clear picture.

Partition the Building Albeit Temporary

In a large floor, the scenes of a building undergoing painting may be an eyesore or turn-off to customers. In a busy shopping season, partitioning part of the building can help business continuity and improve visual appeal. The partitions may also act as an additional internal advert and give the contractor ample time to finish off the job.

On large floors in a retail store, it may take a couple of days to complete the work. This may necessitate closing the business, huge disruptions, and potential losses. A temporary partition made of either wood or other affordable materials can reduce pressure from the contractors and promote privacy.

Offer a Sales Discount or Conduct a Sales Activation

During the holidays, businesses take advantage of the spending and consumerism associated with it. Despite the facelift, a proper paint job brings to a business, the disruption may slow down sales momentum. Additionally, the process may involve additional repairs, further compounding the delays.

A discount sale or an activation campaign can quickly get the momentum back on track and ring-fence your market share. Customers in a sensitive business-like hospitality or restaurant may opt-out to competitors. A discounted price or offer can entice back such lost customers.

In addition to gaining back lost customers, disruptions in a busy holiday season may be menacing for your finances. In a year occasioned by the low business due to COVID-19, a sales activation campaign could inject life to your sales volume and revenue. Such activations may include giveaways, branded merchandise, and other mechanisms.

Be Creative in Your Sales Process

In a busy retail store, the boundaries, notices, cautions, and risks in the exercise may overwhelm your customers. It’s, therefore, wise to have a corresponding plan to help clients while shopping.

The strategies should be geared toward seamless shopping, protecting market share, and improving customer service.

Below are some of the creative suggestions for improving the sales process:

• Assisted Shopping: If certain items are un-reachable, especially in sections undergoing painting, additional assistance can help. Retail stores should assign quick, prompt, and courteous to help customers get items with ease. They could also help customers who could be potentially affected by the odor of the paint.

• Home and Office Deliveries: If you have existing channels, staff, or mechanisms to deliver shopping, this is the time to optimize it. While issuing the notice of a scheduled paint job, give out contacts or channels that customers can use to request shopping.

During this period, you should also ensure that other online or e-commerce channels complement such efforts.

Offer Excellent Customer Service and Assurance

During a painting exercise, the environment does not offer a positive shopping experience to the customers. There is also the possibility of getting numerous complaints, questions, and enquires about the exercise. As a building owner, you should display a calm demeanor by assuring the customers of a speedy exercise and promising a better shopping experience in the future.

Excellent customer service is necessary for providing customers with a reason to visit the shop in the future.

It’s Time to Hire a Professional Commercial Painting Contractor

A retail store, building, restaurant, or any other business establishment can benefit from a paint job during holidays. However, the job should be done carefully to avoid losing clients, business, or losing sales momentum during such a time. Luckily in Kaleidoscope Paint, we specialize in commercial painting with vital experience in scheduling, specialty coating, and the latest equipment and techniques. You can come to us for trustworthy advice on how best to conduct a paint job with minimal disruption to your business.

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