anti-microbial paint

Why Antimicrobial Paint for Businesses is Surging in Oklahoma

How can you offer seniors better protection against serious infections? The spread of COVID-19 in Oklahoma and around the country has raised the demand for effective disease-reducing strategies in facilities that offer senior care. Among these strategies is hiring commercial painting contractors to use antimicrobial paint.

What Does Antimicrobial Paint Do?

A common way for people to get exposed to bacteria and viruses is through contact with contaminated surfaces. Walls, countertops, and doors are among the surfaces people often touch as they move about their home or workplace.

A coat of high-quality microbicidal paint actively kills most of the germs that come into contact with it. Applying the paint to a surface reduces the chances that various germs will linger on it and remain alive for long enough to multiply and spread to people.

Why Do Seniors Benefit From Microbicidal Paint?

COVID-19 isn’t the only disease that seniors are vulnerable to. With aging, the immune system generally becomes weaker. Staph infections, MRSA, and microbes that cause food poisoning are among the many infectious agents that can wreak havoc on an aging body. Furthermore, when seniors are already struggling with a chronic illness, any new infection can become a dire burden.

Even when the outcome isn’t death, someone older may experience debilitation, compromised health and strength, a protracted recovery, and diminished quality of life. If it’s a milder infection, it will still tend to impact seniors more severely.

Indoor surfaces are especially vulnerable to harboring diseases. They lack exposure to the wind and to other elements of the weather that disturb the multiplication of microbes. Given that seniors spend a great deal of time indoors, it’s important to reduce the potential for germs to multiply quickly, spread via surfaces, and cause infections.

Coating surfaces with microbicidal paint isn’t a solution that works alone. It’s part of a general safety net that reduces the chances of seniors spreading and contracting disease. Washing hands, wearing a mask when appropriate, and refraining from touching the face are critical steps.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that people make mistakes. For example, they scratch their nose or rub their eyes without thinking about what they’re doing. That’s why it helps to coat surfaces with a paint that kills microbes. Even in careless moments, these surfaces are working to cut down on the number of germs in your surroundings.

Additional Benefits to Consider

Seniors aren’t the only people who benefit from microbicidal paint. Anyone who has a weakened immune system should be able to enjoy the additional protection. That’s why this type of paint is an excellent choice for hospitals and medical clinics.

Microbicidal paint can also do more than kill germs. It can help cut down on mildew or mold growth, which makes it particularly useful in bathrooms, kitchens, and other environments with high levels of moisture. And its protective qualities contribute to a paint job that lasts longer. With microbicidal properties, the paint degrades more slowly. Because you won’t have to renew the paint job as frequently, you’ll save money.

In your facilities, the locations that would especially benefit from these paints include:

Areas dedicated to food preparation. You shouldn’t give E. coli and other microbes an opportunity to flourish. Disease can easily spread from locations where food gets prepared and dished out.

Rooms where employees take a break. When they’re relaxing, your employees may become a little less vigilant about disease prevention. Limiting the spread of microbes in staff rooms is important.

Areas where you store medicine and medical devices. These products must be stored in locations that meet rigorous standards for hygiene. Patients or facility residents shouldn’t be exposed to infection through their own medications.

Which Type of Antimicrobial Paint Should You Use?

If you aren’t experienced with commercial painting, choosing the right paint and applying it properly will usually prove difficult. Maybe you’re managing a housing development where seniors live independently, or maybe you’re running a nursing home or another facility for assisted living and medical care. You have enough responsibilities to shoulder without the added burden of handling a paint job.

We’re available to help you make the right choices and apply the paint in a way that’s maximally effective. At Kaleidoscope Paint, we have a preference for Paint Shield, a powerful product from Sherwin-Williams.

Paint Shield is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and has been subjected to strict tests that have verified its microbe-killing capabilities. It works on several types of infectious agents, such as MRSA, and can kill 99.9% of the microbes that come into contact with a treated surface.

Since its release date in 2015, Paint Shield has been adopted by thousands of facilities for senior care around the country. With the appropriate maintenance, you can make sure that the paint acts with peak effectiveness.

What to Expect From High-Quality Commercial Painters

When you reach out to reputable and experienced commercial painters, you’ll benefit in a number of ways. Our customers can depend on our extensive knowledge and rigorous training. We’re familiar with a range of paint brands and understand their qualities and properties. We also make sure to keep updating our knowledge, tools, and techniques.

If you have questions about microbicidal paint or anything else that’s connected to our services, you can expect honest and detailed answers. Before painting your facilities, we make sure that you fully understand the scope of the project, and we’re transparent about pricing. Furthermore, we don’t apply paint before first evaluating the surfaces in your structure. If they need some additional preparations, such as sealing cracks, we’ll immediately let you know. Our ability to detect problems early on can spare you from serious costs down the road.

From the time you first call us, you can also expect consistent professionalism. We treat your property with care, and we respect your budget and your time constraints. With your input, we’ll map out a work schedule that minimizes disruptions to your operations and to the residents or patients who rely on your facilities.

Call on Kaleidoscope Paint

If you’re located in or around Edmond OK, be sure to reach out to us. Our commercial painting projects can offer another layer of protection to seniors and to anyone with a weakened immune system. You can call us at 405-757-0029 or contact us through our site.