exterior painting needs

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Repaint Your Oklahoma Home’s Exterior

The most protective finish when painting the exterior part of your home is achieved when the weather is not too cold or too hot. This is why exterior painters recommend repainting the spring. If you intend to do it, you may be wondering whether or not it’s worth the investment. Well, it’s a wise decision.

There are numerous benefits of hiring a residential painting contractor for repainting work. First, you will increase the resale value of your property. Many home improvements tend to be costly and have low returns on investment. By investing in repainting your home’s exterior, you will invest less than what you will get in return.

Many people tend to think that hiring professional exterior painters is expensive and unnecessary. However, the cost is low compared to the expected increase in the resale value of your house. According to statistics, regular repainting can lead to up to 14% in your home’s market value.

Secondly, repainting your home’s exterior will protect its elements. Severe weather conditions can cause massive damages to your home. Some of the most common natural elements that may cause damages are rain, wind, and fire. The choice of paint is critical as it affects your home’s exterior to stand up to various elements.

Another benefit of repainting your home’s exterior is that it helps to reveal areas that need repairs. Exterior do thorough scrutiny and preparation through activities such as power washing, paint stripping, and sanding before they start their work. Here are some signs that you need to repaint your Oklahoma home’s exterior.

Fading Paint

It refers to the gradual loss of color of paint pigments and is inevitable. When your home’s exterior is exposed to elements such as sunlight, heavy rains, and snowfall, it will start fading and losing its gloss. If that happens, you will notice the lightening of the affected surfaces.

Fading is also an indication that the paint is no longer providing the protection it requires. The color will start to look worn out, and this will necessitate repainting work. The problem mainly affects dark-colored surfaces as they tend to absorb more heat than the lighter ones.

As a result, the chances of deterioration of the walls will be higher. The problem is also dominant in coastal areas as sea salts, and atmospheric moisture creates a corrosive environment that causes rapid fading of the exterior paint.

The high levels of UV rays from the sun affects paint pigments, making it vulnerable to fading. Thermal difference is also a major cause of rapid fading. High extremes of temperatures surrounding a house result in a lot of stress on the paint. Paint film thickness also affects fading.

Over–thinning makes it easier for UV rays to penetrate the coating and hence higher chances of fading. When you hire an exterior painting company, they will help you choose a fade-resistant paint for your home’s exterior.

Outdated Colors

In some cases, you can repaint the exterior elements of your house even if nothing is physically wrong with the paint. You can do it for aesthetic reasons. For example, it’s normal for you to fall out of love with a particular color and admire something new. Your opinion can change from time to time.

There are several considerations when choosing the paint for your home’s exterior. First, check the style of your neighborhood. By doing so, you will get many ideas on the ideal choices for your building. The style of the surrounding homes will be a good starting point when selecting exterior paint colors.

Secondly, identify nature’s color combinations. The surrounding landscape of your property will give clues about the best colors for the exterior elements. Coordinating colors from mother-nature will lead to excellent color combinations. Look at your building. The existing colors in a home can be used in exterior color schemes.

It may be tempting to go for trendy colors. However, the colors of the exterior elements should complement the ones that are already there. For example, consider the color of your home’s furnishings. Let the experts at Kaleidoscope offer insights for choosing the best paint.

Another consideration when selecting paints is the size of your home. This influences the appearance of exterior paint colors. If the painting is too dark, it will weigh down the front part and make it look small.

Damaged Wood or Stucco

Wood stains have a direct impact on the exterior paint colors. If you have owned an old house before, you know wood rot is a major problem. The versatility of wood is one of the reasons for its popularity. Rotting is the weakness of the material. Wood rot is a form of decay and occurs after the combination of moisture and fungi.

Fungi grow when wood is continuously damp. There are millions of types of fungi in the air and soil. Some of them are beneficial, while others are destructive. There are several categories of wood rot. Brown rot targets cellulose in wood. When cellulose is destroyed, wood shrinks and turns deep brown.

Once it starts growing, brown rot spreads rapidly. White rot is also common and is characterized by a whitish shade and a spongy feeling. On the other hand, soft-rot fungi break down cellulose and cause a honeycomb-like appearance. Although it’s common in fallen trees, it can also affect your home’s exterior.

Peeling, Bubbling or Cracking Paint

If you notice peeling, bubbling, or cracking of paint on exterior elements, it’s an indication that you need to hire an exterior painting company in Edmond OK for repainting work. Some of the causes of bubbling include mold growth and rot. Bubbling will make your house look infected and burned.

Cracks and the peeling of exterior painting also leave materials underneath prone to external elements and increase the chances of damage. Cracked paint will make your home look old and fractured. The cracks can occur due to several factors. One of the major causes of the problem is poor quality painting.

When you hire residential painting contractors, they will clean the exterior surfaces before they start painting. Applying paint on dirty walls will cause cracking. Thin layers will also make your painting work prone to cracks.

Peeling is common in abandoned buildings. However, it can also occur in your current property due to poor painting work. If surfaces are damp and poorly-prepared, they are prone to peeling. Contaminants such as dirt and dust can also lead to the peeling of paint.

Moisture Stains and Mildew

You can simply get rid of moisture stains and mildew by using a pressure washer in some situations. The stains can be indications of serious issues in your home. If there are stubborn stains on the exterior elements, consider seeking help from professional painting firms. Experts will help you to identify the potential causes of the problem.

Mildew is a form of mold that grows in a flat formation. The fact that it grows on surfaces makes it easy for homeowners to remove as compared to mold. Damp surfaces will facilitate the growth of mildew.

Chalky Residue

Another indication that repainting your home’s exterior is necessary is the presence of a chalky residue. This can be seen by running a dark cloth over the exterior paint. When exterior elements are exposed to sunlight and moisture, the paint’s binder loses its grasp, leading to a powdery film.

There are many types of paints, and each of them has a lifespan. A professional painting contractor can offer insights on the intervals of the repainting work. Usually, this should be done every five or six years. Failure to do so will lead to more expensive damages to your home.

Do you have any questions regarding exterior repainting work? Get in touch with Kaleidoscope Paint today. We’re always ready to offer the help you need!